[pstricks] drawing inverses

Dougherty, Michael michael.dougherty at swosu.edu
Mon Jun 12 03:51:29 CEST 2006

Use the parametric plot and have the function be the y-value.  Where you originally graphed with 
now you do
\parametricplot{tmin}{tmax}{f(t) t}
It knows that there will be two outputs, kind of like a stack that ends up with two entries after all the unary and binary operations.

For an example, let me be lazy and copy something from a book I'm writing, where you have sin x and arcsin x graphed together.  I probably could take some shortcuts but it's what I have on file.

--Mike Dougherty

plotpoints=2000]{-8}{8}{t 180 mul 3.14159265 div sin t}
{-1.5708}{1.5708}{t 180 mul 3.14159265 div sin t}


-----Original Message-----
From: pstricks-bounces at tug.org on behalf of Thushyanthan Baskaran
Sent: Sun 6/11/2006 1:36 PM
To: pstricks at tug.org
Subject: [pstricks] drawing inverses


I would like to draw a function and its inverse together on a graph. 
However, since my original function cannot be solved explicitly for the 
dependent variable, I do not have an explicit function that I could use 
with psplot. Is there any other solution for drawing inverses?

Many thanks in advance,

Thushy Baskaran
pstricks mailing list
pstricks at tug.org

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