[pstricks] psmatrix--node names

Herbert Voss LaTeX at zedat.fu-berlin.de
Mon May 29 15:55:16 CEST 2006

E. Krishnan wrote:
> On Mon, 29 May 2006, Herbert Voss wrote:
>>E. Krishnan wrote:
>>>gives an error, since LaTeX treats the [ ] in the *second line* as the 
>>>space increasing argument to \\ in the first line, and complains of a 
>>>missing number. So,
>>>  \begin{psmatrix}
>>>    [name=a]A & [name=b]B\\[0pt]
>>>    [name=c]C & [name=d]D
>>>  \end{psmatrix}
>>>works fine. Is there any other way around the problem?
>>sure, all what prevents LaTeX from scanning the [] as
>>an optional argument of the \\, eg: \\\relax
> That doesn't work, since then LaTeX does not recognize the following  
> {mnode=c] as an optional argument to the node and typesets it literally.

sorry, I meant something like \empty or \space


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