[pstricks] Missing subtick lines

Poul Riis Poul.Riis at skolekom.dk
Sun Feb 26 16:17:01 CET 2006

1) A vertical and a horizontal subtick line seem to be missing in the
example below (datafile attached). Why?

2) Is there an easier way to add labels on the logarithmic ordinate axis?

Poul Riis


\def\pshlabel#1{\scriptsize #1}
\psset{lly=-1cm,xAxisLabel=$\tau$ /s,yAxisLabel=count
5cm, yticksize=0 7cm,
\uput[180](!0 1 log){\tiny 1}
\uput[180](!0 10 log){\tiny 10}
\uput[180](!0 100 log){\tiny 100}
\multido{\n=2+2}{4}{\uput[180](!0 \n\space log){\tiny \n}}
\multido{\n=20+20}{4}{\uput[180](!0 \n\space log){\tiny \n}}

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