[pstricks] Pst-pdf and psmatrix ??

Alain Matthes alain.matthes at free.fr
Sun Feb 12 19:37:40 CET 2006

Ok herbert it's fine


Le 12 févr. 06 à 19:13, Herbert Voss a écrit :

> Alain Matthes wrote:
>> ps4pdf is now not needed???  is there another way of proceeding?
> you missed the point. With package pst-pdf:
> 1. latex <file.tex>    => builds a _special_ dvi file, which holds all
>                           macros/environments, scanned by preview
>                           one image -> one page!
> 2. dvips -Ppdf -o <file-pics.ps> <file.dvi>
>                        => convert the special dvi file to a special PS
> 3. ps2pdf -dAutoRotatePages=/None <file-pics.ps> <file-pics.pdf>
>                        => convert the special PS file to a regular PDF
>                           one image -> one page
> 4. pdflatex <file.tex>
>                        => pdflatex run which replaces _all_ scanned
>                           parts with the image from the image  
> container
> at least you need _one_ turn with ps4pdf. But after that,
> you can run _only_ pdflatex, when you have only changes
> in the text part of the document. pst-pdf looks for an
> existing image container, and if it exists, the image are
> taken from there.
> Adding one more image to the text or changing the order
> of the images -> a new ps4pdf run
> understood?
> Herbert
> -- 
> LaTeX und Perl in der ZEDAT: http://userpage.fu-berlin.de/~latex
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