[pstricks] b5 paper problems
Rafael Castro Triguero
me1catrr at uco.es
Thu Dec 15 16:22:02 CET 2005
Rafael Castro Triguero escribió:
> Joel Salomon escribió:
>> On 12/8/05, Rafael Castro Triguero <me1catrr at uco.es> wrote:
>>> Thanks, but it doesn't run. I save the next script called "try.bat" in
>>> the same folder of the TextoBase.tex file:
>>> @echo off
>>> set TextoBase=%1
>>> latex %TextoBase%.tex
>>> dvips -Ppdf -o %TextoBase%-pics.ps %TextoBase%.dvi
>>> ps2pdf -dAutoRotatePages#/None %TextoBase%-pics.ps %TextoBase%-pics.pdf
>>> I try to run it in the command prompt of WinEdt and not run. But if I
>>> put line by line, it runs. What is the matter?
>> I'm still not sure why you want to use %TextoBase% when you already
>> have %1, but I don't think that should affect anything. What is the
>> exact text you're entering in WinEdt's command prompt? Is it
>> try TextoBase
>> or
>> try.bat TextoBase
>> or something else? Can you try the "%1" version I posted and see if
>> that works?
>> I really don't know how well WinEdt handles batch files, so I'm hoping
>> the problem lies in the batch file—that I can fix¹. Have you tried
>> running the batch file from a command prompt outside WinEdt?
>> Good luck,
>> --Joel
>> ¹ As in the joke about a doctor asked to cure a flu who suggested the
>> patient stand by an open window, wet and cold. "That'll cure me?" the
>> patient asks. "No," the doctor says, "but it'll turn your flu into
>> pneumonia—and that I can cure."
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> Good joke,gg.
> I have done try.bat TextoBase like you told me, and I have tried but
> the only file generated is the dvi.file. The command prompt shows:
> "DVI can't be opened" so I supposed that the script failed in the next
> rows
> dvips -Ppdf -o %TextoBase%-pics.ps %TextoBase%.dvi
> ps2pdf -dAutoRotatePages#/None %TextoBase%-pics.ps %TextoBase%-pics.pdf
> but it is something strange.
> Lot of thanks for being so comprensive.
Finally I have found the solution to the script that made 3 in 1 step
the compilation dvi-ps-pdf, in order to get the final document in pdf
and with the pstricks pictures right. Someone of a WinEdt list gives me
the solution:
Here is the macro script I am using for the latex -> dvips -> ps2pdf
route. Save it as, eg., %b\MiKTeX\latex2dvi2ps2pdf.edt, and create a new
menu entry and button for it (the Help covers this extensively).
// Run LaTeX
Exe("%b\Exec\%$('TeX System');\LaTeX.edt");
// Run dvips
Exe("%b\Exec\%$('TeX System');\dvi2ps.edt");
// Run ps2pdf
// Restore Execution Modes preferences
Exe("%b\Exec\%$('TeX System');\ExeMode.edt");
Thanks to everybody for their help.
PhD. Student Rafael Castro Triguero
University of Córdoba
Polithecnical School
Menéndez Pidal Avenue
14004 Córdoba
Tel : +34-957-218329
Fax : +34-957-218316
E-Mail: me1catrr at uco.es
Santa Ana de la Albaida nº 14
Villa Mª José
Urbanización Olivar Viejo
14011 Córdoba
Tel.: +34-957-403398
Mobile : +34-699-039885
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