[pstricks] Problem with Seminar
Eftaxiopoulos Dimitrios
eftaxiop at central.ntua.gr
Mon Dec 12 14:12:50 CET 2005
I have been using the Seminar package for doing presentations since 2004. In
October 2005 I changed the Linux didstribution I use (from SuSE 9.0 to Debian
3.1) and not all the example files from CTAN, compile. For example
sem-dem3.tex doesn't compile, while sem-dem0.tex, sem-dem1.tex and
sem-dem2.tex compile and run successfully. A notable change is the xkeyval
package which is new.
Any help appreciated
A part of sem-dem3.tex, at the end of which the error occurs is the following:
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% -*- Mode: Latex -*- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%% sem-dem3.tex --- Seminar demonstration file 3: overlays (I)
%% Author : Denis GIROU (CNRS/IDRIS - France) <Denis.Girou at idris.fr>
%% Created the : Fri Nov 30 22:45:10 2001
%% Last mod. by : Denis GIROU (CNRS/IDRIS - France) <Denis.Girou at idris.fr>
%% Last mod. the : Fri May 31 22:15:34 2002
\def\SeminarColorVersion{y} % To force the color or black/white version
\def\SeminarPaperVersion{n} % To force the paper or screen version
\usepackage{colortbl} % Colored tables
\usepackage{arrayjob} % Arrays management (to load after `array'!)
\usepackage{multido} % Loop structure
\usepackage{multirow} % Multi rows in tables
\usepackage{pst-lens} % PSTricks lens
\usepackage{sem-dem} % General utility macros for these demo files
% Identification of the file (varying parameters)
\def\FileDate{June 2002}
\def\FileInfoB{Overlays (I)}
% A button to go to a complete slide built with overlays
\PstFrameBoxThreeD[doublesep=0.05,framesep=0.02,FrameBoxThreeDColorHSB=0.17 1
\hyperlink{hyp-EndSlide-\theslide}{\textbf{End of slide}}}}}
% Two and three dimensional pie charts, of circular form (not oval)
% -----------------------------------------------------------------
% We compute the sum of all the values (stored in \pst at dimd)
\pst at dimd=\z@
\csname check#1\endcsname(\iValue)%
\advance\multidocount by \m at ne
\edef\PstPieChart at NbValues{\the\multidocount}%
\advance\pst at dimd by \cachedata pt
\degrees[\pst@@dimtonum{\pst at dimd}]
% To compute the starting angle
\pst at dimh=\pst at dimd
\divide\pst at dimh by 360
\multiply\pst at dimh by #4
\multido{\iValue=\@ne+\@ne,\iOverlay=#5+\@ne}{\PstPieChart at NbValues}{%
% If we must enclose this slide in an overlay
% Slice
\pst at dimg=\pst at dimh
\csname check#1\endcsname(\iValue)%
\global\advance\pst at dimh by \cachedata pt
\csname check#3\endcsname(\iValue)%
\pswedge{2}{\pst@@dimtonum{\pst at dimg}}{\pst@@dimtonum{\pst at dimh}}%
% Label
\csname check#2\endcsname(\iValue)%
\pst at dimc=\pst at dimg
\advance\pst at dimc by \pst at dimh
\divide\pst at dimc by \tw@
\uput{2.2}[\pst@@dimtonum{\pst at dimc}](0,0){\large\cachedata}%
% We compute the sum of all the values (stored in \pst at dimb)
\pst at dimd=\z@
\csname check#1\endcsname(\iValue)%
\advance\multidocount by \m at ne
\edef\PstPieChart at NbValues{\the\multidocount}%
\advance\pst at dimd by \cachedata pt
\degrees[\pst@@dimtonum{\pst at dimd}]
% To compute the starting angle
\pst at dimh=\pst at dimd
\divide\pst at dimh by 360
\multiply\pst at dimh by #4
\multido{\iValue=\@ne+\@ne,\iOverlay=#5+\@ne}{\PstPieChart at NbValues}{%
% If we must enclose this slide in an overlay
% Slice
% -----
\pst at dimg=\pst at dimh
\csname check#1\endcsname(\iValue)%
\global\advance\pst at dimh by \cachedata pt
\pst at dimc=\pst at dimd
\divide\pst at dimc by \tw@
\ifdim\pst at dimg<\pst at dimc
\pst at dima=\pst at dimc
\pst at dima=\pst at dimg
\ifdim\pst at dimh>\pst at dimd
\pst at dimb=\pst at dimd
\pst at dimb=\pst at dimh
\csname check#3\endcsname(\iValue)%
\ifdim\pst at dima<\pst at dimb
\psarcn(0,0){2}{\pst@@dimtonum{\pst at dimb}}{\pst@@dimtonum{\pst at dima}}
\psarc(0,-1){2}{\pst@@dimtonum{\pst at dima}}{\pst@@dimtonum{\pst at dimb}}}
\ifdim\pst at dimh>\pst at dimd
\psarcn(0,0){2}{\pst@@dimtonum{\pst at dimd}}{\pst@@dimtonum{\pst at dimb}}
\psarc(0,-1){2}{\pst@@dimtonum{\pst at dimb}}{\pst@@dimtonum{\pst at dimd}}}
\pswedge{2}{\pst@@dimtonum{\pst at dimg}}{\pst@@dimtonum{\pst at dimh}}
% Label
% -----
\csname check#2\endcsname(\iValue)%
\pst at dimc=\pst at dimg
\advance\pst at dimc by \pst at dimh
\divide\pst at dimc by \tw@
\pst at dimb=\z@
\pst at dima=\pst at dimd
\divide\pst at dima by \tw@
\ifdim\pst at dimc>\pst at dima
\pst at dimb=0.5pt
\pst at dima=\pst at dimd
\divide\pst at dima by 8
\multiply\pst at dima by 5
\ifdim\pst at dimc>\pst at dima
\pst at dimb=1pt
\pst at dima=\pst at dimd
\divide\pst at dima by 8
\multiply\pst at dima by 7
\ifdim\pst at dimc>\pst at dima
\pst at dimb=0.5pt
\ifdim\pst at dimc>\pst at dimd
\pst at dimb=\z@
\pst at dima=2.2pt
\advance\pst at dima by \pst at dimb
\uput{\pst@@dimtonum{\pst at dima}}[\pst@@dimtonum{\pst at dimc}](0,0)
% Background
\item \HLe{Overlays} are a key feature for interactive screen
\item \HLe{Seminar} implement since it beginning a powerful mechanism for
the management of overlays (in fact, it is only an encapsulation of the
general PSTricks mechanism for overlays, implemented in the PostScript
language -- but such a mechanism is really useful only for slides!)
\item It was written to be able to generate several plastic slides which
will be superimposed on a projector. Nevertheless, exactly the same
mechanism work too for screen oriented presentations.
\item The overlays also allow to compose \HLe{animated graphics}, if the
PDF file viewver allow to show the slides automatically (as Acrobat Reader
does) -- see \href{file:sem-dem6.pdf}{sem-dem6.pdf}
\item The only change that we made concern the total number of overlays
allowed on the same slide: we increase the limit from 10, which is clearly
not enough for screen presentations, and specially for animated graphics,
to 676 (\small $26^2$)
\item The key point is to have special macros for the two kinds of
overlays which are important: \HLe{cumulative} and \HLe{progressive}
\item \Verb+\SeminarCumulativeOverlays+ will define cumulative overlays,
with each new one added to the preceding (due to the PSTricks
implementation of overlays\footnote{For technical explanations, see the
pages 243--244 in Timothy \textsc{van Zandt} and Denis \textsc{Girou},
\texttt{Inside PSTricks}, TUGboat, Volume~15, Number~3, September 1994,
pages 239--246, available on
this way doesn't allow to use nodes inside the overlays: rather use the
\Verb+\SeminarAltCumulativeOverlays+ macro in these cases),
\item \Verb+\SeminarProgressiveOverlays+ will define progressive
overlays, where the first slide is kept but each new one will replace
the preceding (for the same reason, we must rather use the
\Verb+\SeminarAltProgressiveOverlays+ if PSTricks nodes are used inside
the overlays),
\item It is possible (but not very user friendly...) to program other
behavior, if needed, and to keep some overlays permanently when they
have appeared, but not the following ones. For this, you must redefine
the PSTricks \Verb+\pst at initoverlay+ macro. See the example of the
moving objects in a table in the
\href{file:sem-dem6.pdf#slideheading.4}{animated graphics} demonstration
file (you must obviously look at the source code).
\item We also add a simple macro \Verb+\SeminarNextOverlay+
macro, which is only the uasage of the standard \texttt{overlay}
environment, with an automatic management of the counter
\item We can show the pieces of a slice in any order, just numbering
accordingly the overlays, (see the example on
slide~\pageref{slide:List1}), but this is also easy, for instance,
to use the simple macro \Verb+\SeminarItemInOverlay+ which redefine the
\Verb+\item+ macro of the various lists environments, to automatically
have each one on the next overlay (see the example on
\item As usual with \AllTeX{}, take care to \HLe{spurious blanks}, which
are one of the most common pitfalls in some circumstances. Always end the
\texttt{overlay} environments with a percent sign, \%, to not introduce an
unwanted blank and change the position of the material formatted in the
next overlays:
\item To show not only the slide number but also the overlay number, use
the \texttt{page} counter rather than the \texttt{slide} one (see the
example on slide~\pageref{slide:List2} in the PDF file):
\item Obviously, we can also play with the transitions seen elsewhere
(\href{file:sem-dem2.pdf}{sem-dem2.pdf}) when showing the overlays
\item Another important point is of course to suppress all the overlay
mechanism for the paper version (this is what the
\Verb+\SeminarPaperVersion+ macro does, just inhibiting them with the
\Verb+\overlaysfalse+ macro)
\item From the usage point of view, the important thing is to define the
overlays \HLe{inside} a slide and not as several consecutive slides.
Specially, this will allowed to generate a coherent paper version without
trouble: as overlays are deactivated in the paper versions, we will simply
got the cumulative result. For progressive overlays, this will be the
same. But if we want to have, in the paper versions, only one state, we
have to introduce a test. See examples in the demonstration file for
animated graphics (which are based on overlays) on
\item In some cases, it is not realistic to generate the overlays inside
the same slide. A such special case occur when we want to build an
animated graphic with a lot of external files. This would be prohibitive,
in compilation time and/or size of the resulting file. For an illustration
of such problem, see too the file \href{file:sem-dem6.pdf}{sem-dem6.pdf}
% We add an hyperlink to be able to go directly to the last overlay
% (\before at newslide rather than \slide at hook to have it working also
% with \newslide)
\addto at hook{\before at newslide}{\hypertarget{hyp-EndSlide-\theslide}{}}
% Cumulative overlays
% -------------------
\hypersetup{pdfpagetransition=Dissolve /D 3}
\slideheading{Cumulative overlays}
How to solve this problem?
\item First, keep quiet
\item Second, analyze carefully
(I repeat
\HLf{--again and again and again and again and again and
again and again and again--}
the situation:
\item what do you want yourself?
\item what are the interests of other people involved?
\item Generally, just choose to do \HLe{nothing}...
and a part of the log file after compilation, is the following
This is e-TeX, Version 3.14159-2.1 (Web2C 7.4.5) (format=latex 2005.9.17) 12
DEC 2005 14:54
entering extended mode
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ic, irish, italian, latin, magyar, norsk, norsk, portuges, romanian, russian,
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seminar.con file: example of customization of the Seminar document class
(Version 3.1 of <June 19, 2002> (D.G.))
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File: pst-xkey.tex 2005/11/25 v1.6 PSTricks specialization of xkeyval (HA)
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File: xkeyval.tex 2005/11/25 v2.5e key=value parser (HA)
`Pst-FrameBox3d' v1.01, 2004/11/14 (Denis Girou)))
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Modified by Stefan (see source for details)
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File `slidesec.sty' v0.9 92/05/07 <tvz>
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(./sem-dem3.tpm)) (/usr/share/texmf/tex/latex/misc/truncate.sty
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seminar.bg2: various corrections for the Seminar document class
added since seminar.bug and few add-ons for overlays
(Version 2.1 of <May 31, 2002> (D.G.))
\Seminar at SlideBoxBackground=\box36
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`hcolor' v1.4, 1998/03/19 (Denis Girou))
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`PST-Lens' v1.0, 2001/02/19 (Denis Girou and Manuel Luque)
keyval: 1998/07/23 v1.11 key=value parser (DPC)
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)) (./sem-dem.sty)
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(./sem-dem3.out) (./sem-dem3.out)
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] (./sem-dem3.los) [2
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LaTeX Font Info: Font shape `OT1/helvetica/b/n' will be
(Font) scaled to size 9.84009pt on input line 203.
LaTeX Font Info: Font shape `OT1/helvetica/m/n' will be
(Font) scaled to size 7.38007pt on input line 225.
LaTeX Font Info: External font `cmex10' loaded for size
(Font) <9> on input line 225.
LaTeX Font Info: External font `cmex10' loaded for size
(Font) <6> on input line 225.
LaTeX Font Info: Font shape `OT1/courier/m/n' will be
(Font) scaled to size 8.865pt on input line 236.
LaTeX Font Info: External font `cmex10' loaded for size
(Font) <8> on input line 242.
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(Font) scaled to size 4.92004pt on input line 242.
LaTeX Font Info: Font shape `OT1/helvetica/m/sc' will be
(Font) scaled to size 6.56006pt on input line 242.
LaTeX Font Info: Font shape `OT1/courier/m/n' will be
(Font) scaled to size 7.88pt on input line 242.
Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 242--242
[][][]\OT1/helvetica/m/n/8 For tech-ni-cal ex-pla-na-tions, see the pages
244 in Tim-o-thy \OT1/helvetica/m/sc/8 van Zandt \OT1/helvetica/m/n/8 and
s \OT1/helvetica/m/sc/8 Girou\OT1/helvetica/m/n/8 ,
Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 242--242
\OT1/courier/m/n/8 Inside PSTricks\OT1/helvetica/m/n/8 , TUG-boat, Vol-ume 15,
Num-ber 3, Septem-ber 1994, pages 239--246, avail-able on
LaTeX Font Info: Font shape `OT1/courier/m/n' will be
(Font) scaled to size 9.85pt on input line 266.
LaTeX Font Info: Font shape `OT1/helvetica/m/sc' will be
(Font) scaled to size 8.20007pt on input line 276.
LaTeX Font Info: Font shape `OT1/courier/bx/n' in size <9> not available
(Font) Font shape `OT1/courier/b/n' tried instead on input line
LaTeX Font Info: Font shape `OT1/courier/b/n' will be
(Font) scaled to size 8.865pt on input line 285.
[6] [7]
Overfull \hbox (1.73842pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 351--353
! keyval: FrameBoxThreeDColorHSB undefined.
\KV at err #1->\errmessage {keyval: #1}
l.384 \end{slide}
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