[pstricks] expansion problem

John Frampton j.frampton at neu.edu
Thu Dec 8 19:10:53 CET 2005

In the macro files I use in undergraduate teaching, I define

\def\psexpA[#1,#2]{#2 x exp #1 mul}

so that I can say things like


to graph 1.2*.9^x over the interval 0 to 10

I also define

   #4 #2 div x #1 sub #3 #1 sub div exp #2 mul}

so that I can say things like


to graph the exponential which goes through the points (0,1) and

Use of \psexpA and \psexpB (along with a dozen or so other
macros of this kind) makes it easy to construct various examples
for use in my undergraduate classes.

I tried


(in an environment in which @ was a letter) so that I would not
have to distinguish between \psexpA and \psexpB.  I expected
that I could then say either




Unfortunately, it doesn't work.  There is some complication in
the timing of expansion that I cannot understand.  I am hoping
that someone can help me out.

Thanks, John Frampton

Example (run to see it work correctly with \psexpA and \psexpB,
then uncomment the commented line to see the problem):

\input pstricks
\input pst-plot

\def\psexpA[#1,#2]{#2 x exp #1 mul}
   #4 #2 div x #1 sub #3 #1 sub div exp #2 mul}



The error report from Tex is

! Argument of \pst@@object has an extra }.
<inserted text>
<to be read again>
<argument> ...0,1)(2,4) \pst at number \psyunit mul }
\addto at pscode #1->\xdef \pst at code {\pst at code #1
                                               \space }
\psplot at i ...ul #3 \pst at number \psyunit mul } def}
                                                  \gdef \psplot at init {}\@pst...
l.21 \psplot{0}{2}{\psexp(0,1)(2,4)}

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