[pstricks] b5 paper problems
Joel Salomon
joelcsalomon at gmail.com
Wed Dec 7 22:23:28 CET 2005
On 12/6/05, Rafael Castro Triguero <me1catrr at uco.es> wrote:
> I have tried these steps:
> 1. Open WordPad and I paste the next text:
> @echo off
> set TextoBase=%1
> latex TextoBase.tex
> dvips -Ppdf -o TextoBase-pics.ps TextoBase.dvi
> ps2pdf -dAutoRotatePages#/None TextoBase-pics.ps TextoBase-pics.pdf
> where TextoBase.tex is the principal document of the project of my
> thesis (I attached it).
> 2. I save this document in the path of the TextoBase.tex and save as
> try.bat.
> 3. I run the script defined by double click in it, but no result of the
> pdf document.
> I quite clumsy, sorry. Any solution?
Windows shell scripts won't expand a variable unless it's surrounded
with %%; TextoBase.tex will not work but %TextoBase%.tex might.
Unless you mean that "TextoBase.tex" is the name of the TeX file, in
which case the "set TextoBase=%1" line is extra.
I've put Herbert's script into a batch file and attached it. Does it
work as suggested?
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