[pstricks] pst-text.sty patch
Nobuyuki Tsuchimura
tutimura at nn.iij4u.or.jp
Mon Nov 28 05:27:06 CET 2005
Hi, all
The binary distributors of Japanese TeX have applied
a simple patch for years. The patch fixes Japanese fonts
handling in \pstextpath macro.
The patch file "PSTricks.patch" is made by ASCII corporation.
It is contained in
Its explanation is written in Japanese, so I translated briefly.
# modification when using PSTricks package
# \pstextpath macro contained in "pst-text.sty" of PSTricks
# causes a RIP error when processing Japanese fonts.
# This is because "pst-text.pro", a header file of PSTricks,
# can handle only one byte fonts.
# To handle two byte fonts, like Japanese fonts, apply this patch
# to "pst-text.pro". This patch is for PSTricks Version 97.
If this patch is applied to PSTricks original,
it will help us.
-- Thanks,
Nobuyuki Tsuchimura
-------------- next part --------------
# PSTricks???????????????
# PSTricks?????? pst-text.sty ??????? \pstextpath ?????
# ?????????PostScript?RIP??????????
# ???PSTricks???????? pst-text.pro ?1?????????????
# ??????????
# ???????2?????????????????????????
# pst-text.pro ?????????
# ????????? PSTricks Version 97 ?????????
# PSTricks???????????????????????????
# pst-text.pro ?????????????$(TEXMF)/dvips/pstricks/ ?????
# ?????????????????????????
# patch < PSTricks.jpatch
# ??????????
*** pst-text.pro.orig Tue Jan 25 01:45:05 2000
--- pst-text.pro Tue Jan 25 02:19:40 2000
*** 50,58 ****
{ /String exch def
/CharCount 0 def
! String length
! { String CharCount 1 getinterval ShowChar
! /CharCount CharCount 1 add def
} repeat
} def
--- 50,63 ----
{ /String exch def
/CharCount 0 def
! /CharSize 1 def
! currentfont /FontType get 0 eq
! { currentfont /FMapType get dup 2 eq exch dup 5 eq exch 9 eq or or
! { /CharSize 2 def} if
! } if
! String length CharSize idiv
! { String CharCount CharSize getinterval ShowChar
! /CharCount CharCount CharSize add def
} repeat
} def
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