RV: [pstricks] Books with pstricks and jpg pictures
Norberto Moreno
norberto.moreno at uclm.es
Mon Nov 21 18:01:16 CET 2005
Dear Raphael,
You can use the very same Freehand. You open your jpeg picture with
Freehand and then the option Export images > EPS with TIFF previsualization,
and then the clasical \includegraphics command in Latex.
Web: www.uclm.es/profesorado/nmoreno/
Tel.: 902 204 100 ext. 5643
Fax: 925 72 10 11
Norberto Moreno Quibén. Profesor asociado
Norberto.Moreno at uclm.es / Ext.5643
C.E.U. de Talavera de la Reina
Avda. Real Fábrica de Sedas s/n
45600 Talavera de la Reina (Toledo)
España (Spain)
-----Mensaje original-----
De: pstricks-bounces at tug.org [mailto:pstricks-bounces at tug.org] En nombre de
Patrice Megret
Enviado el: lunes, 21 de noviembre de 2005 16:59
Para: Rafael Castro Triguero; pstricks at tug.org
Asunto: RE: [pstricks] Books with pstricks and jpg pictures
Dear Rafael,
You can use the progamme jpeg2ps (it should be in your tex\bin directory but
if you need it I can send you in your private mail) which converts jpg files
to eps files and then use classically \includegraphics and compile in Latex.
Best regards,
> -----Message d'origine-----
> De : pstricks-bounces at tug.org [mailto:pstricks-bounces at tug.org] De la
> part de Rafael Castro Triguero Envoyé : lundi 21 novembre 2005 16:16 À
> : pstricks at tug.org Objet : [pstricks] Books with pstricks and jpg
> pictures
> My name is Rafael Castro and I work as PhD. student and professor at
> the University of Córdoba, Spain. I am working in my PhD. thesis and I
> used Freehand for technical pictures, but since I know the use of
> Pstricks I would like to made my pictures with it. The problem is that
> I have included some pictures in jpg with the scanner and some photos.
> When I compile a document with only jpg pictures I use pdflatex of
> Winedt, and when I use only pstricks pictures I compile the document
> with latex compiler of winedt and later dvi-ps to see beautiful pstricks
> So if I used pstricks and jpg pictures at the same document, how can i
> compile it? it is posible?
> Lot of thanks, and sorry for my poor english.
> --
> -----------------------------------------------------
> PhD. Student Rafael Castro Triguero
> University of Córdoba
> Polithecnical School
> Menéndez Pidal Avenue
> 14004 Córdoba
> Spain
> University:
> Tel : +34-957-218329
> Fax : +34-957-218316
> E-Mail: me1catrr at uco.es
> Home:
> Santa Ana de la Albaida nº 14
> Villa Mª José
> Urbanización Olivar Viejo
> 14011 Córdoba
> Spain
> Tel.: +34-957-403398
> Mobile : +34-699-039885
> ----------------------------------------------------
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