[pstricks] Displaying a unsymetrich diagram
Herbert Voss
LaTeX at zedat.fu-berlin.de
Sun Nov 20 22:11:00 CET 2005
Nicolai Emig wrote:
> yes that is exactly what I wanted.
> But I do not see where my fault was.
> Could you explain it to me please?
>> \psset{yunit=100cm}
you want 10cm for 0.1 -> yunit=100cm
>> \begin{pspicture}(-0.5,-1.65)(11,-1.8)
-0.5 and -1,65 to reserve some space at left and bottom (for the labels)
>> \psaxes[dy=1cm,Dy=0.01,Oy=-1.70]{->}(0,-1.7)(11,-1.8)
you want the physical unit of 1cm=dy and the labels with
a logical unit of 0.01 and the origin (start) is at -1.70=Oy
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