[pstricks] problems with pst-vue3d again

Rafael Castro Triguero me1catrr at uco.es
Sat Nov 5 12:58:45 CET 2005

Dear pstricks-users:

My name is Rafael from Spain, I have been using pstricks for 4 months 
but these days I have changed my pc and I have to restart with the 
configuration of miktex, winedt, ... So I remenber when I started using 
pstricks that I had problems with pst-vue3d, but I can't remeber how I 
solved them.

I have installed pst-vue3d package in c:\texmf\tex\latex\pst-vue3d but 
when I compile latex give me this error:

in pst-3dplot.tex

\ifx\PSTVueTroisDLoaded\endinput\else\input pst-vue3d.tex\fi
\ifx\PSTMultidoLoaded\endinput\else\input multido.tex\fi

and in the error message:

...\pst-3dplot.tex:26: I can´t find file 'pst-vue3d.tex'

Someone can help me?

Lot of thanks

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