[pstricks] psgraph

Patrice Megret Patrice.Megret at fpms.ac.be
Wed Oct 19 11:58:51 CEST 2005

Dear Herbert,
Please find enclosed the file essai2.tex with some trials, the file essaihv.ps with the new pstricks-add and the file essaipm.ps with my modified version of pstricks-add. 

Yesterday night, I tried to modify the code and I end up with the following pstricks-add-pm where I only split the test on x(y)Axislabel and replace \uput(#5,0) by \uput(#5,#2) and \uput(0,#6) by \uput(#1,#6). By that way, it seems to work properly. (see graphs 1 -4 in essaipm.ps)

By the way, there is still a small problem with axisstyle=frame because it frames bewteen (x0,y0) and (xM,yM) instead of (xm,ym) and (xM,yM). (see graph 5 in essaipm.ps)

I believe that \psgraph should work like \psaxes so when (x0,y0) is not specified the default is (xm,ym) and not (0,0). In that way, both usages of \psaxes and \psgraph are the same and moreover log graphs are correct if (x0,x0)=(xm,ym). For log graphs, if we want the axes to cross at (x0,x0) not equal to (xm,ym) the graph is correct except the logLines options. (see graphs 3-4 in essaipm.ps and in particular graph 4 for wich I had to choose Ox={} and Oy={}; other combinations like Ox=0,Oy=0 do not give the correct result or crashe like Ox={},Oy=0)

Then I find your new version of pstricks-add this morning and that seems also to work except the scaling to the dimensions of the graph. 
(see graphs 1-5 in essaihv.ps) 

Best regards,


-----Message d'origine-----
De : pstricks-bounces at tug.org [mailto:pstricks-bounces at tug.org] De la part de Herbert Voss
Envoyé : mardi 18 octobre 2005 21:44
À : pstricks at tug.org
Objet : Re: [pstricks] psgraph

Patrice Megret wrote:

> I am using pstricks-add and in particular the environment \psgraph for 
> which I have some trouble.
> 1. When (x0,y0) is not specified in\psgraph(x0,y0)(xm,ym)(xM,yM),  is it 
> true that it is (0,0) as indicated in the documentation of october 8, 
> 2005. I tried the following example and I obtain (x0,y0)=(xm,ym) which 
> is a similar behaviour as with the original \psaxes.
> 2. I tried also to play with xAxisLabelPos and yAxislabelPos but when 
> using xAxisLabelPos I always get an error and with yAxisLabelPos I don't 
> see any modification in the ps file.

that part was a bit buggy. Please try again with the


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