[pstricks] npos with absolute values?
Herbert Voss
LaTeX at zedat.fu-berlin.de
Wed Oct 19 06:52:08 CEST 2005
Christoph Bersch wrote:
> Hi!
> Is there a possibility to use npos with absolute values?
> I have for example two nodes with a line between them and want to label
> the connection at a fixed distance from one node, that means in the
> following examples I would like something like
> \ncput[npos=2cm]{Test}
> instead of the relative positioning
needs a new macro ...
\pst at getcoor{#1}\pst at tempA%
\pst at getcoor{#2}\pst at tempB%
\pssetlength\pst at dima{#3}%
\pst at tempA /YA exch \pst at number\psyunit div def
/XA exch \pst at number\psxunit div def
\pst at tempB /YB exch \pst at number\psyunit div def
/XB exch \pst at number\psxunit div def
/dx XB XA sub def
/dy YB YA sub def
/angle dy dx Atan def
/length \pst at number\pst at dima \pst at number\psunit div def
XA length angle cos mul add YA length angle sin mul add ){#4}%
\def\nlput{\@ifnextchar[\nlput at i{\nlput at i[]}}
\def\nlput at i[#1](#2)(#3)#4#5{{%
\pst at killglue
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