[pstricks] pstricks-add pspicture-problem
Thomas Söll
Thomas.Soell at lehrer.uka.de
Sun Oct 16 11:41:46 CEST 2005
Hallo Herbert Voß,
after updating pstricks-add a lot of packages wont work in the expectet way. A special problem is the option to control the offset of the baseline:
in example
{\psset{yunit=4cm,xunit=4cm, dotscale=0.75, arrowscale=2}%
\def\pshlabel#1{\sffamily\footnotesize #1}%
\def\psvlabel#1{\sffamily\footnotesize #1}%
\psplot[algebraic=true, plotstyle=curve, plotpoints=500, linecolor=Blue]% Kurve bis -1,01
\psaxes[xDecimals=0, yDecimals=0,% keine Achsen
Dy=1,Dx=1, linewidth=1pt]{->}(0,0)(-0.1,-0.1)(1.4,1.5)%
\rput(0.4,1.3){\footnotesize $f(x)=\e^{-x}+x$}%
\rput(1.25,1){\footnotesize $y=x$}%
I have done an example-file in the atachement.
Thank you for your help
Thomas Söll
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