[pstricks] font scaling

Herbert Voss LaTeX at zedat.fu-berlin.de
Wed Oct 12 18:56:16 CEST 2005

Adam Fenn wrote:
>>> In PSTricks the "\scalebox" command is very useful for making
>>> headings and the like, and can even be applied to a "\parbox".
>>> My question is more general: is it possible to apply a scaling to
>>> a font to obtain a vertically slightly stretched version that can
>>> be used throughout an entire document?
>> No, this is not possible. You need a special font for this.
> But Philip Taylor in TUGboat 20(4) writes of anamorphically scaling 
> Times Roman by a factor of 24/25. How is this achieved?

 From Walter Schmidt:

you need new entries in the map file and additional
TFMs, VFs, and FDs, and also for the math font.

in the map file such a entry looks like

ptmr8re Times-Roman "1.04 ExtendFont TeXBase1Encoding ReEncodeFont" ...

the TFMs can be created with fontinst.


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