[pstricks] A question about showexpl

Herbert Voss LaTeX at zedat.fu-berlin.de
Wed Oct 12 09:13:26 CEST 2005

Rafael Villarroel wrote:
> I hope this is a good place to ask about the great showexpl package.

not really :-)

> The following document compiles fine, but at the expense of the
> \makeatother commmand,
> which is not necessary for the example to work. It seems that commands
> with @ on it
> do not work well with the LTXexample environment. This is without loading
> any showexpl.cfg. Is there any way for this to work, so that one does
> not have to
> include the \makeatother in the example?

> ----------------------
> \documentclass{article}
> \usepackage[matrix,arrow]{xy}
> \usepackage{showexpl}
> \begin{document}
> \lstset{%
>     basicstyle=\ttfamily\small,
>     showspaces=false,
>     showstringspaces=false,
>     breaklines=true,
>     numberstyle=\ttfamily\tiny,
>     breakautoindent=true,
> }
> \begin{LTXexample}[pos=r,wide,width=0.5]


or alternative \lstset{preset=\makeatother} for all environments.

btw: the same with psmatrix

  \[ \psmatrix
       & Q\left(\sqrt 2,\sqrt{-3}\right) \\
         Q\left(\sqrt 2\right) & Q\left(\sqrt{-6}\right)
              & B Q\left(\sqrt{-3}\right) \\
       & Q
     \endpsmatrix \]


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