[pstricks] Bug: Shifting of axes, labeling and graph is psgraph environment
dpstory at uakron.edu
dpstory at uakron.edu
Sun Oct 2 20:28:07 CEST 2005
In recent versions of pstricks-add, there seems to be shifting both horizontal and vertical
of the graph. Perhaps the problem is more in the calculation of the origin.
Attached is a pdf to illustrate, the source file and the log file.
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In recent versions of pstricks-add, there has been some shifting of the graph and axes labeling.
for example, the following uses \texttt{psgraph}
\psset{llx =-16pt,lly=-16pt,urx =16pt,ury =16pt}%
The graph is shifted up one unit and shifted right by about .5 unit. The labeling
is also shifted. the scaling of the vertical axis is not correct either, it should range
from $-1$ to $1$, not $0$ to $2$.
The next graph uses the old \texttt{pspicture} environment. The graph here looks correct.
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Y&Y TeX 2.2.3 2000 Jun 22 10:12:20 SN 4662
Copyright (C) 1993--2000 Y&Y, Inc. (978) 371-3286 http://www.YandY.com
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Output written on C:/Documents and Settings/Donald Story/Desktop/pstricks/plot_
gilg.dvi (1 page, 14400 bytes).
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---- File information -----------
File: plot_gilg.pdf
Date: 2 Oct 2005, 14:22
Size: 15904 bytes.
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