[pstricks] \psset{linestyle=dashed} persisting

Alex Dickson Alex.Dickson at manchester.ac.uk
Tue Sep 20 16:55:54 CEST 2005

When I invoke dashed linestyle with \psset{linestyle=dashed} it cannot be reversed with \psset{linestyle=solid}: the linestyle stays dashed!  Help!  An example is...


%%Implement packages

%%Set the slideframe type

%%Set the slide magnification


\newcommand{\shorttitle}{A. Dickson}

%%Define the pagestyle (title in left header, page # on right)
{\scshape \shorttitle \hfill\rightmark \hfill\thepage}{}%

%{\scshape \shorttitle \hfill}{}

%%Theorem declarations

%%Define a heading box for slides
  \vspace{1ex minus 1ex}}

%%Let's start
Consider the lottery $[(x_1,1/2),(x_2,1/2)]$

Risk averse

++ Risk loving...

\heading{Analysis Under EUT}
\item Two states of nature; 1 and 2
\item Uncertainty because state that will be realised is uncertain
\item State 1 with probability $p_1$, state 2 with probability $p_2$
\item In state 1 get $x_1$, in state 2 get $x_2$
\item Lottery: $L=[(x_1,p_1),(x_2,p_2)]$

Many thanks if you can help!

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