[pstricks] Graphing function containing a parameter
Poul Riis
Poul.Riis at skolekom.dk
Sun Sep 18 14:56:13 CEST 2005
Everything now seems to work - except with respect to a minor error that I
didn't mention before. For each call of the \plotfunctionwithoneparameter
procedure there seems to be a small horisontal displacement of the graph.
How can I avoid that?
\pstVerb{/#4 #5 def
/f { #4 mul sin } def
/g { sin #4 add} def }
\psplot[plotpoints=100]{#2}{#3}{x #1}%
\pnode(!#6 #6 #1){Q}%
\rput[tr](!#6 #7 add #6 #1 #8 add)%
ticksize=-3pt 0]{->}(0,0)(0,-1)(360,2)%
Poul Riis
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