[pstricks] Graphing function containing a parameter
Herbert Voss
LaTeX at zedat.fu-berlin.de
Sun Sep 18 00:30:19 CEST 2005
Poul Riis wrote:
> The tex-file below works fine... sometimes... - and sometimes it does not!
> If I change the parameter k to 0.5 it crashes even if 0.4973 and many
> other values are OK.
> If I change the documentclass to 'article' it crashes.
> Furthermore, I get the following (non-fatal) error message:
> Package xkeyval Error: `hatchsepinc' undefined in families `,pstricks-add'.
run the following code and then send the file list, which appears
at the end of the log file.
\pstVerb{/#4 #5 def
/f { #4 mul sin } def
/g { sin #4 add} def }
\psplot[plotpoints=100]{#2}{#3}{x #1}%
\pnode(!#6 #6 #1){Q}%
\rput[tr](!#6 #7 add #6 #1 #8 add)%
ticksize=-3pt 0]{->}(0,0)(0,-1)(360,2)
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