[pstricks] Re: Word Balloons
Herbert Voss
LaTeX at zedat.fu-berlin.de
Sat Sep 17 22:28:58 CEST 2005
dpstory at uakron.edu wrote:
> I haven't seen anything in PSTricks for creating word balloons (used in cartoons to show the
> thoughts or speech of a character). I believe PowerPoint has word balloons. Does anyone
> know of anything from PSTricks?
\def\psWordBallon{\pst at object{psWordBallon}}
\def\psWordBallon at i(#1)(#2)#3#4{{%
\use at par
\pst at killglue
\pnode(#2){WB at end}
\rput(#1){\ovalnode{WB at center}{\parbox{#3}{#4}}}
\nccurve[doubleline=true,doublesep=5pt,arrows=->,fillstyle=none]{WB at center}{WB at end}
\psWordBallon[angleB=100,angleA=-30](0,0)(3,-3){3cm}{Let's see what we
can see in this Word Ballon \ldots}
{\raggedright Let's see what we can see in this Word Ballon \ldots}
Syntax: \verb+\psWordBallon[options](text center)(arrow end){text
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