[pstricks] MiKTeX and pst-3dplot
Alan Ristow
ristow at ece.gatech.edu
Thu Aug 4 18:20:25 CEST 2005
Faton Berisha wrote:
>>Message: 3
>>Date: Mon, 1 Aug 2005 12:35:02 -0700 (PDT)
>>From: Greg Hersh <gehersh at yahoo.com>
>>Subject: Re: [pstricks] MiKTeX and pst-3dplot
>>To: Herbert Voss <LaTeX at zedat.fu-berlin.de>, pstricks at tug.org
>>Message-ID: <20050801193502.56650.qmail at web60020.mail.yahoo.com>
>>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
>>I recall I had to download and install pst-vue3d in
>>MiKTeX as well, but I didn't have any problems with
>>that. Just download, install into appropriate
>>directories, and refresh MiKTeX database information
>>(from GUI). I did it last winter, so I don't remember
> Yes, of course, that's not a difficult task to perform; my idea was to
> remedy the installation of pst-3dplot with MiKTeX.
The packages MiKTeX uses are put together by the MiKTeX maintainers, not
by the package authors themselves, and it is entirely possible that they
did not fully realize the dependencies in pst-3dplot when they assembled
its package. Contact Christian Schenk via the MiKTeX web site to request
that pst-vue3d be properly accounted for.
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