[pstricks] Nested \multido{}
Rich Shepard
rshepard at appl-ecosys.com
Wed Jul 6 15:21:29 CEST 2005
On Wed, 6 Jul 2005, Herbert Voss wrote:
> then I do not understand, what you really want ...
> Attached what I get with
> \hspace*{1.2\omrx}\multido{\nColumn=1+1}{\nC}{\makebox[\omrx]{\nColumn}}
> %% Make nR rows of 9 ovals for answers
> \psset{linecolor=blue}
> \def\xstrut{\rule{0.35em}{0pt}}
> \multido{\nRow=1+1}{\nR}{%
> \makebox[\omrx]{\nRow}
> \multido{}{9}{\makebox[7mm]{\psovalbox{\xstrut}}}\\[2mm]
> }
There must be something different in my local installation than you have
there because the above code still shows the same improper line breaks.
Perhaps the version of PSTricks that I have here is too old? I don't know how
to tell its age. The entries in /usr/share/texmf/doc/generic/pstricks range
from 1994-2000; from the VERSIONS file:
| File | Version | Date |
| dvipsone.con | 97 | 1994/03/29 |
| multido.tex | 1.4 | 1993/01/14 |
| pst-3d.tex | 97 | 1997/03/25 |
| pst-char.tex | 97 patch 3 | 1999/03/11 |
| pst-coil.tex | 97 patch 2 | 1998/03/19 |
| pst-eps.tex | 97 patch 2 | 2000/04/26 |
| pst-fill.tex | 97 patch 1 | 1997/11/05 |
| pst-grad.tex | 97 patch 1 | 1997/04/28 |
| pst-node.tex | 97 patch 11 | 2000/11/09 |
| pst-plot.tex | 97 patch 2 | 1999/12/12 |
| pst-text.tex | 97 | 1997/03/25 |
| pst-tree.tex | 97 patch 6 | 2000/04/26 |
| pstricks.con | 97 patch 2 | 1997/04/28 |
| pstricks.tex | 97 patch 14 | 1999/12/23 |
| textures.con | 97 | 1997/03/01 |
| vtex.con | 97 patch 4 | 1999/11/19 |
> however, there is no real need to use PSTricks here, scaling the letter o
> does the same, see second attached png file. The source follows
Thank you very much for this lesson. I'll use the scaled 'o' instead.
As an aside, I'm really looking forward to the English translation of your
book. I bought a copy of The LaTeX Graphics Companion and read Chapter 4
(PSTricks). It's a great reference for someone who already understands
PSTricks, but is not a tutorial for us beginners. The ancient Users Guide is
slilghgtly better, but still lacking.
Dr. Richard B. Shepard, President | Author of "Quantifying Environmental
Applied Ecosystem Services, Inc. (TM) | Impact Assessments Using Fuzzy Logic"
<http://www.appl-ecosys.com> Voice: 503-667-4517 Fax: 503-667-8863
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