[pstricks] gant diagram

Herbert Voss LaTeX at zedat.fu-berlin.de
Thu Jun 30 15:32:34 CEST 2005

Aydin Ustun wrote:
> Hi,
> I want to prepare a gant diagram using the example given by pstricks 
> home page.  I did some modifications on the original source code. All 
> works cover 48 moths, but I coudn't see all months with only numbers on 
> the output. I want to see basic interval for every month. A second 
> question, how can I align task names to the right?

I edited your example to work with pst-xkey





% "pspicture" environment or not?
\newif\ifPst at PstPicture
\define at key[psset]{}{PstPicture}[true]{%
\@nameuse{Pst at PstPicture#1}}

% Intervals to show?
\newif\ifPst at GanttChartShowIntervals
\define at key[psset]{}{ChartShowIntervals}[true]{%
\@nameuse{Pst at GanttChartShowIntervals#1}}

% Style for the tasks
\define at key[psset]{}{TaskStyle}{\def\psk at GanttTaskStyle{#1}}
% left/right for the tasks
\define at key[psset]{}{TaskPos}{\def\psk at GanttTaskPos{#1}}

% Name for unit interval
\define at key[psset]{}{ChartUnitIntervalName}{%
\def\psk at GanttChartUnitIntervalName{#1}}

% Name for basic unit
\define at key[psset]{}{ChartUnitBasicIntervalName}{%
\def\psk at GanttChartUnitBasicIntervalName{#1}}

% Unit interval for the tasks (7 for a week, 30 for a month, etc.)
% Warning: define it before "TaskUnitType"!
\define at key[psset]{}{TaskUnitIntervalValue}{%
\pst at cntg=#1\relax
\edef\psk at GanttTaskUnitIntervalValue{\the\pst at cntg}}

% Unit type for the tasks (UnitIntervalName or UnitBasicIntervalName)
\define at key[psset]{}{TaskUnitType}{%
\edef\psk at GanttTaskUnitValue{#1}%
% Validation of the parameter
\ifx\psk at GanttTaskUnitValue\psk at GanttChartUnitIntervalName
  \edef\psk at GanttTaskUnitValue{\psk at GanttTaskUnitIntervalValue}%
  \ifx\psk at GanttTaskUnitValue\psk at GanttChartUnitBasicIntervalName
    \def\psk at GanttTaskUnitValue{1}%
    {\@pstrickserr{GanttTaskUnitType must be 
`\psk at GanttChartUnitIntervalName'
                   or `\psk at GanttChartUnitBasicIntervalName'
                  (and not `\psk at GanttTaskUnitValue')}\@eha}%

% Outside label for the tasks
\define at key[psset]{}{TaskOutsideLabel}{\def\psk at GanttTaskOutsideLabel{#1}}

% Inside label for the tasks
\define at key[psset]{}{TaskInsideLabel}{\def\psk at GanttTaskInsideLabel{#1}}

% Maximum outside size label for the tasks (in unit TaskUnitType !)
\define at key[psset]{}{TaskOutsideLabelMaxSize}{%
\pst at cntg=#1
\edef\psk at GanttTaskOutsideLabelMaxSize{\the\pst at cntg}}

% Default values
% --------------
% pspicture environment, don't show intervals, default task style,
% unit for tasks is a week (so 7 days), no outside and inside labels


% The environment \PstGanttChart
% ------------------------------

% Syntax: \PstGanttChart[parameters]{Number of tasks}{Number of days}
\def\PstGanttChart{\@ifnextchar[\PstGanttChart at i{\PstGanttChart at i[]}}

\def\PstGanttChart at i[#1]#2#3{%
\psset{unit=0.1,#1}    % Affectation of local parameters
\ifPst at PstPicture               % "pspicture" environment
  \pst at cnta=\psk at GanttTaskOutsideLabelMaxSize
  \multiply\pst at cnta\psk at GanttTaskUnitValue
  \pst at cntb=#2
  \multiply\pst at cntb by 5
  \advance\pst at cntb\@ne
  \pst at cntc=#3
  \multiply\pst at cntc\psk at GanttTaskUnitValue
  \advance\pst at cntc\tw@
  \ifPst at GanttChartShowIntervals
    \pspicture(-\pst at cnta,-\pst at cntb)(\pst at cntc,2)
    \pspicture(-\pst at cnta,-\pst at cntb)(\pst at cntc,0)
\psframe(0,-\pst at cntb)(\pst at cntc,0)
\ifPst at GanttChartShowIntervals
  % We will show the intervals
  \pst at cnta=#3
  \multiply\pst at cnta\psk at GanttTaskUnitValue
  \divide\pst at cnta\psk at GanttTaskUnitIntervalValue
  \advance\pst at cnta\@ne
  \pst at cntb=#2
  \multiply\pst at cntb by 5
  \advance\pst at cntb\@ne
  \pst at dima=\psk at GanttTaskUnitIntervalValue pt
  \divide\pst at dima\tw@
  \advance\pst at dima\@ne pt
  \pst at dimtonum{\pst at dima}{\pst at tempa}
  \advance\pst at cnta\@ne
  \multido{\iInterval=1+1,\iIntervalPos=1+\psk at GanttTaskUnitIntervalValue,
\nIntervalPos=\pst at tempa+\psk at GanttTaskUnitIntervalValue.0}{\pst at cnta}{%
    \rput(\nIntervalPos,1){\psk at GanttChartUnitIntervalName\space\iInterval}
    \ifnum\iInterval<\pst at cnta
      \psline[linestyle=dotted](\iIntervalPos,-\pst at cntb)(\iIntervalPos,0)

\ifPst at PstPicture
  \endpspicture                 % End of "pspicture" environment

% The macro \PstGanttTask
% -----------------------

\newcount\pst at GanttTaskCnt
\pst at GanttTaskCnt=\z@

% Syntax: \PstGanttTask[parameters]{Start}{Length}
\def\PstGanttTask{\@ifnextchar[\PstGanttTask at i{\PstGanttTask at i[]}}

\def\PstGanttTask at i[#1]#2#3{
\advance\pst at GanttTaskCnt\m at ne
\psset{#1}%            % Affectation of local parameters
% Frame
\pst at cnta=\psk at GanttTaskUnitValue
\multiply\pst at cnta by #2
\advance\pst at cnta\@ne
\pst at cntb=\psk at GanttTaskUnitValue
\multiply\pst at cntb by #3
\advance\pst at cntb\pst at cnta
\pst at cntc=\pst at GanttTaskCnt
\multiply\pst at cntc by 5
\pst at cntd=\pst at cntc
\advance\pst at cntd by 4
\psframe[style=\psk at GanttTaskStyle](\pst at cnta,\pst at cntc)(\pst at cntb,\pst at cntd)
% Inside label
\ifx\psk at GanttTaskInsideLabel\empty
  \pst at dima=\pst at cnta pt
  \advance\pst at dima\pst at cntb pt
  \divide\pst at dima\tw@
  \pst at dimtonum{\pst at dima}{\pst at tempa}
  \pst at dimb=\pst at cntc pt
  \advance\pst at dimb\pst at cntd pt
  \divide\pst at dimb\tw@
  \pst at dimtonum{\pst at dimb}{\pst at tempb}
  \rput(\pst at tempa,\pst at tempb){\psk at GanttTaskInsideLabel}
% Outside label
\ifx\psk at GanttTaskOutsideLabel\empty
  \pst at dimb=\pst at cntc pt
  \advance\pst at dimb\pst at cntd pt
  \divide\pst at dimb\tw@
  \pst at dimtonum{\pst at dimb}{\pst at tempb}
  \rput[l](51.5,\pst at tempb){\psk at GanttTaskOutsideLabel}&& !!!! Labels 
on the right
% \rput[r](-1.5,\pst at tempb){\psk at GanttTaskOutsideLabel}



\definecolor{LightCyan}   {rgb}{0.88,1.,1.}
\definecolor{Orange}      {rgb}{1.,0.65,0.}
\definecolor{PaleGreen}   {rgb}{0.6,0.98,0.6}
\definecolor{Pink}        {rgb}{1.,0.75,0.8}


  \PstGanttTask[TaskOutsideLabel={\shortstack{Test ölçüleri\\ve 


  \PstGanttTask[TaskOutsideLabel={\shortstack{Sonuç değerlendirme\\ve 
rapor hazırlama}},TaskStyle=TaskStyleD]{42}{6}


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