[pstricks] DIA output and scaling (again)
Herbert Voss
LaTeX at zedat.fu-berlin.de
Fri Jun 10 14:33:20 CEST 2005
Dan Bolser wrote:
> However, I found the following code makes a scrambled diagram...
> \listfiles
> \documentclass{report}
> \usepackage{ pstricks, lscape, graphicx }
> %\psset{unit=0.5} % Scaling
> \begin{document}
> \begin{landscape}
> \pscustom[unit=0.5]{
> \input{1d4x-1}
> }
> %\scalebox{0.5}{
> % \input{1d4x-1}
> %}
> %\input{1d4x-1}
> \end{landscape}
> \end{document}
> Where "1d4x-1.tex" is the (modified) output from dia.
please send me the 1d4x-1.tex file as private mail.
> However this isn't a problem for me.
> One last observation is that the following code also fails,
> \listfiles
> \documentclass{report}
> \usepackage{ pstricks, lscape, graphicx }
try it with
\usepackage{ lscape, graphicx,pstricks }
> Final (dumb) question... I see the pstricks-add package at CTAN, should I
> install this too? Why isn't it a part of the regular pstricks package?
it holds stuff which will go into pstricks, if it makes
sense after some time of testing.
> How should I generate the documents for the pstricks package? (I am not
> very familiar with the 'underbelly' of tex (so far it just works))
if you need pdf then using latex->dvips->ps2pdf is the easiest
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