[pstricks] Please help me draw this tree

Dr. Muhammad Masroor Ali mmasroorali at cse.buet.ac.bd
Tue May 31 08:54:18 CEST 2005

Dear All, 
I am drawing a tree diagram which is generated using a perl program. 
The perl program (self developed) works all right and generates nice 
trees (in LaTeX) which look more or less like genealogy trees. However, 
since there too many levels and too many nodes, it ends up taking too 
much space (some times larger than maxdimen provided by LaTeX!), and 
hence becomes uncomprehensible. 

I noticed that the tree has too much white space in it. The 
specifications I am using are in the following line. 

\psframebox{\parbox[c]{120.0mm}{\raggedright #1}}}} 

Observing my tree diagram, I notice too much white space. However, if 
it could be rearranged something like the following, 


space utilization would have been better. I do not know whether the 
above represents exactly what I want, but I want something like the 
directory strucuture diagrams found in many OSs. Or it looks like the mailing 
list trees with the horizontal and vertical lines at the left.

Since the tree is generated automatically, I can not explicitly draw 
the lines and boxes. It appears that pstricks is the only solution. But 
how do I configure pstree for this? I have seen the four examples at 
none of them were suitable for me. 

Could you please point me in the right direction.

Dr. Muhammad Masroor Ali
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology
Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh

Phone: 880 2 966 5650 (PABX)
FAX: 880 2 861 3026, 880 2 861 3046

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