[pstricks] pst-3dplot shifts the origin
Hendri Adriaens
Hendri at uvt.nl
Tue May 31 09:22:49 CEST 2005
> changing this to \usepackage{pst-xkey} gives also a spurious blank
> Hendri, please have a look at pst-xkey. When I comment
> \def\@psset#1,\@nil{%
> \edef\XKV at tempa{\noexpand\setkeys+[psset]{\pst at famlist}}%
> % \XKV at tempa{#1}%
> }
> then everything is okay.
If you comment that line, no keys will be set ;-)
Hence also no key macros with possibly spurious
blanks will be executed...
Concluding: I don't think the code above generates
the error, but that the error is generated by the
code that the above code will eventually run if you
uncomment the line, namely the key macros...
I had a short look at the keys defined in pst-3dplot
but couldn't find the problem directly. Maybe I have
time tonight to look at it more closely (it's 9.22 AM
here now).
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