[pstricks] Shading the area between two \listplots
Herbert Voss
LaTeX at zedat.fu-berlin.de
Wed May 25 16:28:07 CEST 2005
Alan Ristow wrote:
> 1. The white shading covers part of the x-axis, making the line appear
> very thin compared to the other lines in the axes frame. (I'm not sure
> why, because when I use a gray fill in place of the white fill this
> does not seem to happen.)
draw again the axes frame
> 2. I have always disliked \psgrid in combination with psgraph because
> it places the gridlines on top of the axes frame. If the color used
> for the \psgrid differs from the color of the frame, then off-color
> gridlines are printed on top of the frame in the final output. In the
> code you provided above, for example, gray dots are visible on top of
> the black axes frame.
> I've tried a few other things based on your example, so far with no
> luck. If you have any other ideas I'd love to hear them, but I'm on a
> deadline so for the short-term I will probably just go ahead and split
> my data into two files.
try the following with the pstricks-add, v 2.54
% Shade the area between lines
\begin{psgraph}[axesstyle=frame,ticklinestyle=dotted,xticksize=0 10,%
yticksize=0 10](0,0)(10,10){1.75in}{1.1in}%
\psline(0,0)(0,1) % dummy lines for filling
\listplot[plotNo=1,plotNoMax=2,ChangeOrder]{\data}% <----
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