TR: [pstricks] Save a length for later use
Ulrik Stervbo
ulriks at
Wed May 25 07:31:12 CEST 2005
Hello Patrice
I thought of using the geometry package instead of a0poster since geometry seems
more flexible to me.
Just had a quick look at textpos, and it looks tempting. However, I would like
to avoid the height argument, and let a macro decide.
Quoting Patrice Mégret <patrice.megret at>:
> Dear Ulrik,
> For posters, there are two interesting packages:
> a0poster for defining the size of your poster (A3,A2,A1,A0)
> textpos for defining and placing boxes into the poster
> All these packages are available on CTAN
> Then in the boxes, you can use whatever you want (formula, pstricks, ...)
> Best regards,
> Patrice
> -----Message d'origine-----
> De : pstricks-bounces at [mailto:pstricks-bounces at] De la part
> de Ulrik Stervbo
> Envoyé : mardi 24 mai 2005 11:04
> À : pstricks at
> Objet : [pstricks] Save a length for later use
> Hello everybody,
> I'm trying to setup ease creating posters in latex. The idea is to let the
> macro
> place textboxes in columns, and for that I need the total height of all
> boxes
> placed.
> The problem is scope, global and local variables (not really a pstrick
> question
> i know). I've attached example code - anyone got any idea how I can solve my
> problem and if it's possible at all?
> Sincerely
> Ulrik
> And the code:
> %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
> % File: ps-tricks_play.tex
> % Created: Wed May 18 11:38 2005
> % Maintainer: Ulrik Stervbo
> % Last Change: Wed May 20 14:52 2005
> %
> % Description: Messing about with pstricks and the geometry package
> %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
> \documentclass[dvips]{article}
> \usepackage{calc}
> \usepackage{pstricks-add}
> \usepackage{pstricks}
> \usepackage[a4paper]{geometry}
> % creating a grid
> \newpsobject{showgrid}{psgrid}{subgriddiv=1,griddots=10,gridlabels=6pt}
> \makeatletter
> %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
> % creating and setting a few lengths
> \newlength{\fypos}
> \setlength{\fypos}{\textheight}
> \newlength{\sypos}
> \setlength{\sypos}{\textheight}
> %
> \newlength{\fxpos}
> \setlength{\fxpos}{0cm}
> \newlength{\sxpos}
> \setlength{\sxpos}{0cm}
> %
> \newlength{\curr at textboxheight}
> %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
> % This box is taken from the textbox example from
> % and slightly modified
> \def\mytextbox{\pst at object{mytextbox}}
> \def\mytextbox at i#1#2{{%
> \use at par % Local parameters
> \if at star\solid at star\fi % Stared version
> \newdimen\d
> % The height of the box
> \pssetlength{\pst at dimc}{-\psframesep}
> \psaddtolength{\pst at dimc}{-\psframesep}
> \psaddtolength{\pst at dimc}{-\pslinewidth}
> \psaddtolength{\pst at dimc}{-\pslinewidth}
> \pssetlength{\pst at dima}{#1}
> \psaddtolength{\pst at dima}{\pst at dimc}
> \pssetlength{\pst at dimb}{\pst at dimc}
> \setbox\z@=\vbox{\hsize=\pst at dima \par\noindent\raggedright #2}%
> \d=\ht\z@\advance\d by\dp\z@
> \psframebox{\box\z@}
> % we need to get the value from the outside of this scope
> \pssetlength{\global\curr at textboxheight}{\d}
> }}
> %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
> % Create a poster environment, which starts a pspicture environment with
> % the width and height of the page. If we're in draft mode we'll draw a
> % nice grid.
> \newenvironment{poster}{\begin{center}
> \begin{pspicture}(0,0)(\textwidth,\textheight)
> \showgrid(0,\textheight)(\textwidth,0)
> }{\end{pspicture}\end{center}}
> %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
> % The titlebox environment
> % Three textboxes are defined
> \newenvironment{titlebox}[2]{
> \newlength\titlebox at totalheight % the total height of the
> textboxes
> \newlength\mytextbox at width % the width
> of the textboxes within the titlebox
> \setlength{\mytextbox at width}{10cm}
> \addtolength{\mytextbox at width}{-#2}
> \addtolength{\mytextbox at width}{-#2}
> \newlength\textbox at fxpos %
> the x-coor within the titlebox
> \setlength{\textbox at fxpos}{\fxpos}
> \addtolength{\textbox at fxpos}{#2}
> \newlength\textbox at fypos %
> the y-coor within the titlebox
> \setlength{\textbox at fypos}{\fypos}
> \addtolength{\textbox at fypos}{-#2}
> %%%%
> \def\mytitle[##1]##2{%
> \rput[tl](\textbox at fxpos,\textbox at fypos){%
> \mytextbox[##1]{\mytextbox at width}{%
> ##2%
> }}%
> \addtolength{\titlebox at totalheight}{\curr at textboxheight}%
> \addtolength{\textbox at fypos}{\curr at textboxheight}
> \rput[bl](12,19.5){titlebox at totalheight1
> \the\titlebox at totalheight}%
> }%
> % The height of this psframe should be calculated from the height of
> mytitle
> \psframe[#1](\fxpos,\fypos)(10,18)%\textboxframe at sypos)%\textbox at fypos)
> \rput[tl](12,19){titlebox at totalheight2 \the\titlebox at totalheight}
> }{}
> % This text box should automatically be placed just below the previous
> puttextbox
> % In case of being the first puttextbox below the titlebox, so we need the
> % \textbox at fypos
> \def\puttextbox[#1]#2#3#4{%
> \rput[tl](#2,#3){%
> \mytextbox[#1]{10cm}{#4}%
> }
> \rput[tl](12,#3){titlebox at totalheight3 \the\titlebox at totalheight}
> }
> \makeatother
> \pagestyle{empty}
> \begin{document}
> \begin{poster}
> \begin{titlebox}{framearc=0.2,fillstyle=solid,fillcolor=lightgray}{4mm}
> \mytitle[framesep=6pt]{Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, urna
> augue. Luctus
> sollicitudin, accusantium nostrum. Scelerisque duis eget nonummy, rhoncus
> quis
> nulla praesent}
> \end{titlebox}
> %
> \puttextbox[fillcolor=yellow,
> fillstyle=solid,linestyle=none]{0}{17}{Lorem
> ipsum dolor sit amet, urna augue. Luctus sollicitudin}
> \end{poster}
> \end{document}
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