[pstricks] pdf format of usr and doc pstricks documents - anyone interested?
Greg Hersh
gehersh at yahoo.com
Thu May 5 22:36:24 CEST 2005
Thanks, Herbert,
I have checked the site you've mentioned. The file is
very similar to what I have, a combined 'usr' file in
PDF format. However, there are some differences:
(i) that one is incomplete file, it doesn't have the
last section which deals with odds and ends, like
importing EPS files into PSTRICKS. My version of usr
is complete.
(ii) It doesn't have bookmarks, so you can't browse
through the contents. My version has them.
(iii) It doesn't have the index part. Mine does (and
links from the index pages to the pages in the
(iv) I went through 'errata' file and fixed everything
it has mentioned (with Acrobat Pro, what a pain in the
neck it was!) Not sure about that other file.
(v) Finally, I also have a second file which combines
two 'doc' files.
Now, I don't have a web site, so I probably can e-mail
you both file as an attachments. The size of zipped
usr-full.pdf is 431K and the size of zipped
doc-full.pdf is 321K. Please let me know the
(i) The exact mailing address to send both files to.
(ii) What should I put into a mail header.
(iii) Should I send both attachments at once or in two
separate e-mail messages.
(Note: the 'doc' file doesn't have any indices. The
original doc files do not have any indices either. I
would *love* to create one, but at this point simply
don't have a time to do so --- since I have to create
the whole index essentially from the scratch and
manually. I don't have a source file in my disposal,
only postscript staff. On the other hand, 'doc' file
is a fairly short document, so it isn't such a big
deal anyway. I did create bookmarks for 'doc', just
like for 'usr' file.)
--- Herbert Voss <LaTeX at zedat.fu-berlin.de> wrote:
> Greg Hersh wrote:
> >this is my first message to this list, though I've
> >been using pstricks for a while. The original
> pstricks
> >documents are 5 separate postscript files ('usr-x')
> >and in addition 2 separate postscript files
> ('doc-x')
> >which are though old still contain lots of useful
> >information. I've combined them into a single 'usr'
> >and 'doc' files, converted to pdf, fixed all the
> known
> >errors, and made some pdf links (bookmarks) so you
> can
> >browse online through the contents and also links
> from
> >indices. I find both documents very nice
> introduction
> >and reference and I use it all the time. I wouldn't
> >mind to upload both documents to pstricks site so
> >other pstricks users can take advantage of it. if
> >anyone is interested, please let me know how it can
> be
> >arranged.
> >
> give me the link or send me the document, then I'll
> make it available.
> Did you know:
> http://cgm.cs.mcgill.ca/~msuder/latex/pstricks.pdf
> Herbert
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