[pstricks] \naput does not work
serpa at fem.unicamp.br
serpa at fem.unicamp.br
Sat Apr 16 14:09:42 CEST 2005
Dear Sirs,
I am a new user of PsTricks. I am studying it with the book "The
Latex Graphics Companion" by M. Goossens, S. Rahtz and F.
Mittelbach, 1997.
My problem is how to write over connectors.
Consider the code as an example:
A & B \\
C & D
This code does not write the word test over the arrow that goes
from position 2,2 to 1,1 as expected, i.e., \naput does not
Can you give me an idea of how to solve this problem?
The first lines of the document are:
Thank you in advance.
Prof. Dr. Alberto Luiz Serpa
Department of Computational Mechanics
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
State University of Campinas - UNICAMP
e-mail: serpa at fem.unicamp.br
phone: (55)19-37883387 / (55)19-37883386
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