[pstricks] Radian scale
Vince McGarry
vmcgarry at austin.rr.com
Wed Mar 9 14:53:55 CET 2005
Thanks, Hendri, but it still doesn't work for me. Apparently there something
in my switch my installation doesn't like. This example did not work with
the file you sent. I'm attaching the log and example. I'm sure its the
switch and I'll rewrite it per Herbert's and your suggestion.
On 3/9/05 5:06 AM, "Hendri Adriaens" <Hendri at uvt.nl> wrote:
> Vince,
> after playing a bit with the code, it seems
> to work fine. See attached.
> Main changes:
> 1) if you want to make a style, you can use
> \RequirePackage which will avoid loading things
> twice as well.
> 2) you need amsmath for \dfrac.
> 3) I made a backup of \pshlabel and \psvlabel
> to allow resetting it.
> You might want to reprogram \RadianLabel
> a bit, but I left it as it was as it worked
> for your application.
> -Hendri.
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