[pstricks] recent error instroduced.

Arnaud Schmittbuhl aschmittbuhl at libertysurf.fr
Tue Mar 8 13:12:11 CET 2005


I do not get two false.

as at debian:/home/data/tex$ latex  "\nonstopmode\input{junk.tex}"
This is e-TeX, Version 3.14159-2.1 (Web2C 7.4.5)
entering extended mode
LaTeX2e <2001/06/01>
Babel <v3.7h> and hyphenation patterns for american, french,
nohyphenation, loa ded.

(./junk.tex (/usr/share/texmf/tex/latex/base/minimal.cls
Document Class: minimal 2001/05/25 Standard LaTeX minimal class
) (/usr/share/texmf/tex/latex/pstricks/pst-node.sty
(/usr/share/texmf/tex/generic/pstricks/pst-node.tex  v97 patch 11,
s.tex`PSTricks' v1.04  <2004/06/22> (tvz)
No file junk.aux.
[1] (./junk.aux)

 *File List*
 minimal.cls    2001/05/25 Standard LaTeX minimal class
pst-node.sty    1997/03/25 package wrapper for PSTricks pst-node.tex

Output written on junk.dvi (1 page, 644 bytes).
Transcript written on junk.log.
as at debian:/home/data/tex$ dvips junk.dvi -o junk.ps && gs junk.ps
This is dvips(k) 5.92b Copyright 2002 Radical Eye Software
(www.radicaleye.com)' TeX output 2005.03.08:1251' -> junk.ps
<texc.pro><pstricks.pro><pst-dots.pro><pst-node.pro><special.pro>. [1]
ESP Ghostscript 7.07 (2003-07-12)
Copyright 2003 artofcode LLC and Easy Software Products, all rights
reserved. This software comes with NO WARRANTY: see the file PUBLIC for
>>showpage, press <return> to continue<<

Result ps file is gz-attached.

I' musing  teTeX 2.0.2c-6 (debian testing)

To get a more complete \lisfiles, I try \usepackage{pstricks,pst-node}
in a second run and got

 *File List*
 minimal.cls    2001/05/25 Standard LaTeX minimal class
pstricks.sty    2004/05/12 v0.2l LaTeX wrapper for `PSTricks' (RN,HV)
pstricks.tex    2004/06/22 v1.04 `PSTricks' (tvz)
  xcolor.sty    2004/07/04 v2.00 LaTeX color extensions (UK)
   color.cfg    2001/08/31 v1.1 color configuration of teTeX/TeXLive
   dvips.def    1999/02/16 v3.0i Driver-dependant file (DPC,SPQR)
pst-node.sty    1997/03/25 package wrapper for PSTricks pst-node.tex

Arnaud Schmittbuhl
Montpellier, France
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