[pstricks] A pdfpic question
Alain Matthes
alain.matthes at free.fr
Wed Mar 2 22:38:59 CET 2005
Le jeudi 3 février 2005 à 5:46, CV Radhakrishnan a écrit :
>> \usepackage{ifpdf}
>> \ifpdf%
>> \usepackage{pdftricks}
>> \begin{psinputs}
>> \usepackage{pstricks}
>> \usepackage{pst-plot}
>> \end{psinputs}
>> \else
>> \usepackage{pstricks}
>> \usepackage{pst-plot}
>> \newenvironment{pdfpic}{}{}
>> \fi
>> \begin{pdfpic}
>> \psset{xunit=50pt,yunit=20pt}
>> \begin{pspicture*}(-1,-4)(5,7)
>> \psaxes[showorigin=false,ticks=all,arrowscale=1.5]{->}(4.5,6.5)
>> \end{pspicture*}
>> \end{pdfpic}
>> When xunit and yunit are equal there is no problem. Am I making some
>> obvious error here?
>Sorry, I couldn't replicate your problem. Could you take a look at the
>output I got in my system at:
> http://www.river-valley.com/cvr/download/vince.pdf
Why if i open this file (vince.pdf) with acrobat reader 7 it's ok and
not with Preview or Texshop ( Mac Os X) ?
With the new pdftriks file, if i compile the sources that's ok but it's
not an explanation !
Why use Pdftricks and Pdflatex rather than Pstricks and Tex +dvips
because according to the documentation of Herbert (NewPdftricks.pdf) the
way used by pdftricks is the sequence : latex -> dvips -> ps2pdf13 ->
pdfcrop. In both cases there is latex -> dvips -> ps2pdf13 !
Alain Matthes
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