FW: Re: [pstricks] Raw postscript code in pnode
Herbert Voss
Herbert.Voss at alumni.TU-Berlin.DE
Sun Feb 27 10:13:41 CET 2005
John Smith wrote:
>> \SpecialCoor
>> \pspicture(0,0)(10,10)
>> \psgrid[subgriddiv=0,gridcolor=lightgray]
>> \pnode(1,1){A}
>> \makeatletter
>> \def\psk at nodesepA{60 2 mul }% in pt
>> \def\psk at nodesepB{60 2 mul }% the space is important
>> \makeatother
>> \pnode([angle=2]A){B} % this causes an error
>> \qdisk(a){4pt}\qdisk(B){4pt}
>> \endpspicture
> While this works, I still don't understand why you can't use raw
> postscript in nodesep but you can in angle. This seems like inconsistent
> behavior to me. Is this a design decision or is it easy to change?
definition of \SpecialCoor, which handles only coordinates and
angles. Should be easy to change, look at \def\NormalCoor and
\def\SpecialCoor in ptricks.tex and the definition of \psk at nodesepA|B
> By the way, when is the English version of your book coming out?
it will be part of the 2nd edition of the LaTeX Grafic Companion
but this will take some time ... :-(
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