[pstricks] pstricks and \ColoredOverlappedSurfaces
Hendri Adriaens
Hendri at uvt.nl
Thu Feb 24 15:40:32 CET 2005
> 1) The \newrgbcolor macro in pstricks.sty does
> not define \color at LightBlue which is expected
> by the subsequent decoding macros of Denis.
> We can solve this by doing:
> \makeatletter
> \def\newrgbcolor#1#2{%
> \expandafter\gdef\csname #1\endcsname{\color{#1}}% HV 2004-03-31
> \newrgbcolorx{#1}#2\@@
> \expandafter\gdef\csname color@#1\endcsname{#2 setrgbcolor}% HA
> 2005-02-24
> }
> \makeatother
> before defining colors.
> This will make the original Mixed-Colors.tex
> work again. However, the code by Denis won't
> allow us to mix green with gray.
For the interested reader: I missed the fact that
Denis submits macro arguments to \newrgbcolor, so
we need to do some expansions of arguments first.
See the code attached. This is the original code
by Denis in a cleaned minimal example and with a
modified definition of \newrgbcolor. This change
will also be available in pstricks.sty from
Remember that you can only mix rgb colors in the
the \ColoredOverlappedSurfaces macro... The example
posted here before (using xcolor) does not have
this limitation.
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