[pstricks] \listplot, single point and regression
Poul Riis
Poul.Riis at skolekom.dk
Sat Feb 19 11:45:54 CET 2005
Herbert Voss <Herbert.Voss at alumni.tu-berlin.de> skriver:
>\def\FileName{node.data}% the data file
> \typeout{Open file \FileName}%
> \openin7=\FileName%
> \newcount\nMax\nMax=21\relax% datarecords+1
> \newcount\nrepeat\nrepeat=1\relax%
> \loop%
> \def\NodeName{N\the\nrepeat}%
> \ifnum\nrepeat<\nMax
> \read7 to \Data
> \pnode(\Data){\NodeName}
> \typeout{\NodeName -> \Data}
> \advance\nrepeat by 1
> \repeat%
> \closein7%
> \saveDataAsNodes% must be inside the pspicture environment
>% \fileplot[linecolor=red,linewidth=1pt,linestyle=dashed]{\FileName}%
> \multido{\iA=1+1}{20}{
> \pscircle*[linecolor=blue](N\iA){10pt}}% Node: N#
I can't make this example work on my computer, even if it says 'no errors
found'. The strange thing is that apparently no log-file is produced!?!?!?
Moreover, I find it rather inconvenient that one has to tell the computer
the number of data in the data file. Rather, the computer should tell me!
Poul Riis
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