[pstricks] pst-eucl: Drawing an angle
Herbert Voss
Herbert.Voss at alumni.TU-Berlin.DE
Wed Jan 19 13:55:08 CET 2005
Claus Behl wrote:
> im using pst-eucl for simple geometrical Drawings at school.
> A typical problem is to draw an angle BAC, that means im looking for a
> Point C, with A the vertex and B a second point given.
> I tried to write a macro (look at my example)
> \pstAngleBAC(B)(A){30}{3}{C}
you can also try to use pstricks-add for your purpose.
The latest pstricks-add from http://perce.de/LaTeX/pstricks-add
loads a config file pstricks-add.cfg (if exists) you can
put your code into such a local config file, run texhash
and then usind the macro. For example
% pstricks-add.cfg --------------
\def\pstAngleBAC{\@ifnextchar[{\pstAngleBAC at i}{\pstAngleBAC at i[]}}
\def\pstAngleBAC at i[#1](#2)(#3)#4#5#6{{%
\psRelNode[angle=#4](#2)(#3){#5}{temp at node}% A -B - factor - node name
\pstGeonode[#1](temp at node){#6}%
and then
but maybe that Dominique will put your macro into pst-eucl
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