[pstricks] Possible problem with multido and fp when used with pstricks, especially some of the new pst-3dplot routines.

Herbert Voss Herbert.Voss at alumni.TU-Berlin.DE
Sat Jan 8 17:02:48 CET 2005

Bruce Burlton wrote:
> I have encountered a problem when trying to use the \fp package within 
> multido and pst-3dplot, that I cannot figure out.  Specifically the 
> problem arises when I try to use an \fp test (\FPifpos...).

use this order of loading the packages

\usepackage{multido}$  version >=1.41
%\usepackage{pstfp}%  not needed

and for the if part

\dimen0=\zVal pt
\FPifgt{\number\dimen0}{0} \let\pstyle\above \else \let\pstyle\below \fi

Then everything should be ok, at least for me ...


%  Packages


\def\major{4}\def\minor{3}%  semi major and minor axes
\FPeval\ECC{(major*major-minor*minor)^(.5)/major}%  eccentricity
\FPeval\Num{major*(1-ECC*ECC)}% numerator of radius function
\FPeval\Ra{major*(1+ECC)}% apogee radius
\FPeval\Rp{major*(1-ECC)}% perigee radius
\def\Inc{-30}\def\Node{225}\def\perg{30}% inclination, Node and arg. of 
perigee definitions

     \pstThreeDCoor[xMin=0,yMin=0,zMin=0]%  inertial frame
     \pstThreeDSphere[linecolor=blue,linewidth=.3pt](0,0,0){1}%  draw 
     \pstThreeDCircle(0,0,0)(1,0,0)(0,1,0)%  draw equator
     \pstThreeDCircle[linestyle=dotted](0,0,0)(\Rp,0,0)(0,\Rp,0)%  draw 
equatorial plane
     \pstThreeDCircle[linestyle=dotted](0,0,0)(4,0,0)(0,4,0)%  draw 
equatorial plane
     \pstThreeDCircle[linestyle=dotted](0,0,0)(\Ra,0,0)(0,\Ra,0)%  draw 
equatorial plane
     \pstThreeDCircle[linestyle=dotted](0,0,0)(5.3,0,0)(0,5.3,0)%  draw 
equatorial plane
     \pstThreeDCircle[linestyle=dotted](0,0,0)(2.5,0,0)(0,2.5,0)%  draw 
equatorial plane
     \pstRotPointIIID[RotX=\Inc](0,0,6){\xVal}{\yVal}{\zVal}% orbit 
normal vector, about x (inc)
about z (node)
line of nodes
draw orbit normal vector
%  initialize orbit plot
     \FPeval\xVal{Num/(1+ECC)}% initialize x
about z (omega)
  about x (inc)
  about z (node)
perigee vector
     \uput[180](Perigee){Perigee}%  label perigee
%  main loop, eval orbit coords (x,y) in orbit plane, then rotate 
(x,y,0) to inertial
%    \FPdebugtrue
% r, in the orbit plane
       \FPmul\xVal\tempa\tempc% x, in the orbit plane
       \FPmul\yVal\tempa\tempb% y, in the orbit plane
% rotate it to the inertial frame
about z (omega)
  about x (inc)
  about z (node)
       \dimen0=\zVal pt
       \FPifgt{\number\dimen0}{0} \let\pstyle\above \else 
\let\pstyle\below \fi
     }% end of multido
     \uput[270](LN){Line of nodes}%

draw radius
        (0,0,0)(0.5,-0.866,0)}%  draw velocity
        (0,0,0)(3.25,0,0)(0,3.25,0)%  draw node arc
     \pstThreeDPut[SphericalCoor=true](2.2,160,0){$\omega$}%   label arg 
of perigee
     \pstThreeDPut[SphericalCoor=true](1.95,190,0){$\theta$}%  label anomaly
        (0,0,0)(.9932,-1.4185,-.9999)(1.6378,1.1472,0)%  draw arg of 
perigee arc
        (0,0,0)(.9932,-1.4185,-.9999)(1.6378,1.1472,0)%  draw anomaly arc
        (2.457,1.721,0)(.3442,-.4915,0)(0,0,.6)%  draw inclination arc
     \uput{12pt}[135](r){$\vec{v}$}%  label velocity
     \uput[0](0.75,1.25){$\vec{r}$}%  label r


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