[pstricks] Re: trees with large nodes
hendrik.maryns at student.kuleuven.ac.be
Wed Jan 5 13:21:52 CET 2005
Hendrik wrote:
>> This works fine as far as the production of the avm's is concerned,
>> but inside the tree they all overlap. It is as if pstricks thinks
>> the nodes are dimensionless.
>> This is a working minimal example. Note how the two avms are put on
>> top of each other.
> increase the levelsep
> Herbert
> \documentclass[english,11pt]{article}
> \usepackage{pstricks}
> \usepackage{pst-tree}
> \usepackage{avm}
> \begin{document}
> \newsavebox\DP
> \sbox\DP{\begin{avm}
> \[\emph{phrase}\\
> head & \@4\[\emph{noun}\\
> agr & \@2
> \]\\
> val & \[\emph{val-cat}\\
> comps & itr\\
> spr & $+$ \]
> \]
> \end{avm}}
> and I want to use them inside \verb+\pstree+ like this:
> \newpsobject{knoop}{TR}{ref=b}
> \psset{nodesep=3pt, levelsep=5cm}
> \pstree{\knoop{\usebox\DP}}{%
> \pstree{\knoop{\usebox\DP}}{%
> \pstree{\knoop{\usebox\DP}}{%
> \knoop{The}%
> }}}
> \end{document}
Yes this works, but now I end up specifying a levelsep for every single
subtree, to get my trees reasonably compact. Isn't there a way that
pstree takes the size of the nodes into account? If I look at the
fourth example on http://www.pstricks.de/pst-tree/pst-tree.phtml, it
seems as if it does it automatically? Or would it be better to use
psmatrix along with pst-node for this?
Thanks, Hendrik
Hendrik Maryns
Rijakker 29
9030 Mariakerke
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