[pstricks] Missing Capability for psaxes/pstricks-add.sty

rossi at york.cuny.edu rossi at york.cuny.edu
Tue Nov 16 22:37:48 CET 2004

Consider the file below which produces a diagram.  

I would like to activate the command:

\psaxes[Ox=-100, Oy=0, labels=none, ticks=none, axesstyle=frame,

and put my own ticmarks and configure the axes very sparsely with just a very
few temperature and pressure values.

I would like to place a single tick and axis value for example, but I can
do this only with rput, uput, etc which is tedious (especially tedious to place
a tick mark).  Why isn't there an option for placing individual tickmarks and
the corresponding axis value automatically with the psaxes command? It would
then be scaled properly and placed properly with out the guesswork of the
rput/uput commands. 

 I want something like.

\psaxis[ ...options..., xpoint=yes]{20,20}

The second value of 20 would be ignored unless ypoint=yes as well.

Best regards,


\psset{xunit=0.125cm, yunit=.01cm}
% \psgrid[subgriddiv=0, gridlabels=0pt]
% \psaxes[Ox=0, dx=20, Dx=20, Oy=0, dy=20, Dy=20](0,0)(100,100)
% \psaxes[Ox=-100, Oy=0, labels=none, ticks=none, axesstyle=frame,
\psaxes[Ox=-20, Oy=0, Dx=10, Dy=200, axesstyle=frame,
% \psset{xunit=20.0cm, yunit=0.50cm, Dx=0.05, Dy=1, tickstyle=below}
% \psline(0,0)(2,1)
% \psline(2,1)(5,10)
\pscurve[linecolor=black, linewidth=2pt](-10,175)(-2.0,300)(1,400)
\pscurve[linecolor=black, linewidth=2pt](1,400)(20,500)(35,850)
\psline[linecolor=black, linewidth=2pt](1,400)(3,850)
\rput(-40,600){\textbf{P (torr)}}
\rput(20,-100.00){\textbf{T ($^{\circ}$C)}}
% \rput(1.0,5.0){Solid}
% \rput(5.0,6.0){Liquid}
% \rput(10.0,5.0){Gas}
% \rput(9.0,9.25){critical point}
% \rput(3.0,1.25){normal melting point}

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