[pstricks] PSTricks and the size of pdf files

Hendri Adriaens Hendri at uvt.nl
Sun Nov 14 12:35:13 CET 2004

> Please, look carefully at your pstricks_beamer.pdf; you will then
> notice that $x$ and $y$ are partially erased in the PSTricks picture.
> On the other hand, here (at my side) ps4pdf does not output the
> PSTricks picture.

You misspecified the boundary of the picture:

Run your file with latex, dvips, ps2pdf and pdfcrop
and rename the pstricks_beamer-crop.pdf to pstricks_beamer-pics.pdf
then run pdflatex over your file and it works and you will see
what happens if you change your pspicture to eg:

> Since LyX is too buggy regarding this issue, what editor do you 
> recommend me?

TeXnikCenter, WinEdt


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