[pstricks] Problems with psaxes

Matthias Steinbrink M.Steinbrink at gmx.de
Sat Nov 13 15:43:16 CET 2004

At 18:31 12.11.04, Herbert Voss wrote:

>is it too difficult to send these important lines from the
>log file or the whole one????

No, of course it is not too difficult to post the log file. Sorry for not 
having done it before.
After I have installed the latest version (2.24) of pstricks-add anotehr 
error occurs that seems to be in connection with the new random-stuff. I 
guess in line 922 of pstricks-add it should say 
\define at key[psset]{}{color}[true] instead of 
\define at boolkey[psset]{}{color}[true].

But I cannot get rid of the other errors that you can see in the log-file 
attached. I hope anyone can help me here.

Thanks and regards, Matthias

The Example
{{0, 23.4871795},{1, 23.3828829},{2, 23.4057971},%
{3, 23.56},{4, 23.5}{5, 23.703125},{6, 24.14285714},%
{7, 23.8055556},{8, 23.75},{9, 24},{10, 24},{11, 23.6666667}}


   %%% only when i comment the next line it works
   %%% only when i comment the next line it works
   \psplot[plotstyle=curve, linecolor=red]{0}{10}{0.0654 x mul 23.311 add}


The Logfile
This is e-TeX, Version 3.141592-2.2 (MiKTeX 2.4)
entering extended mode
LaTeX2e <2003/12/01>
Babel <v3.8a> and hyphenation patterns for english, french, german, ngerman, du
mylang, nohyphenation, loaded.
Document Class: article 2004/02/16 v1.4f Standard LaTeX document class
(e:\texfm\tex\latex\base\size10.clo)) (e:\texfm\tex\latex\pstricks\pstricks.sty
`PSTricks' v1.04  <2004/06/22> (tvz)
(e:\texfm\tex\latex\xcolor\xcolor.sty (e:\texfm\tex\latex\00miktex\color.cfg)
(D:\localtex\tex\generic\pstricks\pst-plot.tex  v97 patch 2, 1999/12/12
(D:\localtex\tex\generic\multido\multido.tex  v1.41, 2004/05/18 <tvz>)))
(e:\texfm\tex\generic\pstricks\pst-node.tex  v97 patch 11, 2000/11/09)
2004/10/05 v1.1 PSTricks specialization of xkeyval (HA)
xkeyval: key=value parser, v1.4, 2004/08/24 (HA)
`pstricks-add' v2.24, 2004/11/12 (hv)
! Undefined control sequence.
l.922 \define at boolkey
? OK, entering \nonstopmode...

! LaTeX Error: Missing \begin{document}.

See the LaTeX manual or LaTeX Companion for explanation.
Type  H <return>  for immediate help.

l.922 \define at boolkey[
! xkeyval error: `color' undefined in families `,pstricks-add'.
\XKV at err #1->\errmessage {xkeyval error: #1}

l.923 \psset{randomPoints=1000,color=false}

)) (e:\texfm\tex\latex\filecontents\filecontents.sty)

LaTeX Warning: Overwriting file `./flKurs.data'.

! Missing number, treated as zero.
<to be read again>
l.22   \psaxes
! Illegal unit of measure (pt inserted).
<to be read again>
l.22   \psaxes
! Missing number, treated as zero.
<to be read again>
l.27   \rput
! Illegal unit of measure (pt inserted).
<to be read again>
l.27   \rput

Overfull \hbox (45.57613pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 30--31
[1] (vossproblem2.aux)

  *File List*
  article.cls    2004/02/16 v1.4f Standard LaTeX document class
   size10.clo    2004/02/16 v1.4f Standard LaTeX file (size option)
pstricks.sty    2004/05/12 v0.2l LaTeX wrapper for `PSTricks' (RN,HV)
pstricks.tex    2004/06/22 v1.04 `PSTricks' (tvz)
   xcolor.sty    2004/07/04 v2.00 LaTeX color extensions (UK)
    color.cfg    2003/03/08 v1.0 MiKTeX 'color' configuration
    dvips.def    1999/02/16 v3.0i Driver-dependant file (DPC,SPQR)
pst-plot.sty    2004/07/15 package wrapper for pst-plot.tex
pst-plot.tex    2004/05/18 1.41 `pst-plot' (tvz)
pstricks-add.sty    2004/07/18 package wrapper for pstricks-add.tex (hv)
pstricks-add.tex    2004/11/12 v2.24 `PSTricks-add' (hv)
filecontents.sty    2004/08/16 v1.1 Create an external file from within a LaTeX

(see the transcript file for additional information)
Output written on vossproblem2.dvi (1 page, 11556 bytes).
Transcript written on vossproblem2.log.

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