[pstricks] relative coordinates

Fabio Brugnara brugnara at itc.it
Wed Oct 20 09:33:12 CEST 2004


first of all I'd like to thank very much both the original developer of
PsTricks and the actual maintainers. It's a very powerful and flexible package.

I'd like to know if there is a way of specifying coordinates relative to a
node as a coordinate parameter to pstricks commands.
For example, suppose I want to draw a polygon around several nodes, leaving
some margin.
The example below shows what I mean. The result can be achieved by first
placing 'pivot' nodes near the vertices, and then using their coordinates in
\pspolygon. But is there a way to achieve the same using directly relative
reference to the nodes? In the example there is an attempt, but it's not

best regards,
Fabio Brugnara

=========== EXAMPLE ============


\hfill{desired result}\hfill{failed attempt}\hspace*{\fill}

% this gives the desired result
% this is a failed attempt to achieve the same without additional nodes

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