[pstricks] [PostScript] repeat-loop

Herbert Voss Herbert.Voss at alumni.TU-Berlin.DE
Tue Oct 12 09:53:58 CEST 2004

Goebel, Juergen, OPE26 wrote:
> Hi,
> it's me again with a new question regarding PS-programming.
> I'm trying to create a simple repeat-loop using the following
> code-fragment:
> \documentclass{scrartcl}
> \usepackage{pstricks}
> \usepackage{pst-plot}
> \begin{document}
>  \psset{unit=1mm}
>  \begin{pspicture}(90,30)
>      \pstVerb{%
>         /dc 0.2 def
>         /kx 12 def
>         /ky 12 def
>         /pi 3.141529 def
>         /rad2deg {57.296 mul } def
>         /si {pi mul dup rad2deg sin exch div } def
>      }
>      \psplot{-45}{45}{%
>         /n 0 def
>         5
>         { n 1 add % <-----------------------

             /n n 1 add def

or the other way round if it should stay with the
old value on the stack

using the for loop is a bit easier:

start step end { procedure } for

puts the loop on top of the stack. But there is another Problem
when you do not use psplot in the usual way. PSTricks puts the
x coordinate in PostScript unit on top of the stack and then
calls the defined function. This is okay, when we define as
usual a function, but in this case you should first save this
value and put it at the end on the stack again.

However, I can not get any useful graphic. Look at the code
is it okay in this way?


         /dc 0.2 def
         /kx 12 def
         /ky 12 def
         /pi 3.141529 def
         /rad2deg { 57.296 mul } def
         /si { pi mul dup rad2deg sin exch div } def
         /xPS exch def % save the PS value of x
         1 1 5 {
           /n exch def
           x kx mul n mul cos % cos(12 n x) (1)
           n dc mul si        % sin(0.2n pi)/(0.2n pi) (2)
           mul                % (1) * (2)
	  n add              % (1)(2)+n ???
         } for
         dc mul 2 mul
         dc add
         ky mul
         xPS exch


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