[pstricks] re-using the same random variable

jmpapy Jean-Michel.Papy at esat.kuleuven.ac.be
Fri Oct 8 15:37:20 CEST 2004


Here are two problems:

(1) How to use twice the same random variable at a time in the same 
for instance in the following code:
{5}{rand 2147483647 div rand 2147483647 div 2.72 exp mul} %x.e^{x}
it appears that the first variable "rand" and the second one are a 
different realization. I wish to compute x.e^{x} and not x1.e^{x2}.

(2) How to use twice the same random variable simultaneously in two 
different plot ?
For instance, in the following code:
rand 2147483647 div} % x
{-5}{5}{rand 2147483647 div 2 exp} % x^2 
we have a first realization of a random variable x={x1,...,x200} and on 
the second plot we have x^2={y1^2,...,y2^2} and not x={x1^2,...,x2^2}. i 
guess it has something to do with the re-initialization of the random 
generator but so far I failed to find a convenient code.

any clue is welcome...



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