[pstricks] How to change the font size of psgraph's (x|y)AxisLabel?

Martin Buchmann Martin_Buchmann at gmx.net
Wed Aug 18 14:02:59 CEST 2004

Hi all,

i guess the subject says all i want. Here's what i tried so far:

<--- minimal.tex --->


\usepackage{pstricks-add}% v2.10


   0 0
   1 1
   2 4
   3 9%

   xAxisLabel={\large x},%
   yAxisLabel={\large y}%

% \psset{%
%   xAxisLabel={$x$},%
%   yAxisLabel={$x^2$}%
% }



<--- eof --->

I thought that's quite reasonable but i end up with a weird error:

! TeX capacity exceeded, sorry [parameter stack size=500].
\@setfontsize #1#2#3->
                       \@nomath #1\ifx \protect \@typeset at protect \let \@curr...
l.25 }

The change to math mode which is commented above works fine. Of 
course, i increased the stack size and rebuilt the format but the 
error still occurs.

Can some confirm this behaviour or has any ideas what to do?


"Just because you're paranoid don't mean
  they're not out to get ya"
   Joe Jackson

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