[pstricks] how to get absolute coordinates

Franco Bagnoli bagnoli at dma.unifi.it
Thu Jul 8 14:11:05 CEST 2004

On Wed, 7 Jul 2004, Herbert Voss wrote:

> all nodes are saved with their coordinates in the
> matrix NodeMtrx as
> N@<name> x y
> Use the \rnode{A}{stuff} to mark any Position. Create a ps file.
> Then you can write into your ps-file and the end of the document
> which is nearly the same than the end of the ps file
> tx at Dict begin
>   tx at NodeDict begin
>    /N at A load GetCenter
>    /N at B load GetCenter
>    pstack
>   end
> end
> now run this doc with gs and the coordinates of the
> two Nodes A and B are listed, e.g. for my example
> 1066.63416
> 1205.01978
> 494.633972
> 1205.01978

I do not understand which is the origin and scale of these coordinates. 
After some tries I realized that the origin is in the middle of the paper, 
1 inch at the right of the margin (this should depend on (la)tex, I 
suppose), but I would like to know if there is a simple way of getting the 
"real" postscript coordinates, or at least the scale factor for the x and 
the y. 

Franco Bagnoli (franchino) <bagnoli at dma.unifi.it> 
virtual location: Dipartimento di Energetica "S. Stecco"
ultra-virtual affiliation: Centro Dinamiche Complesse (CSDC-Firenze)
real location: Dip. Matematica Applicata "G. Sansone", Universita' Firenze,
Via S. Marta, 3 I-50139 Firenze, Italy. Tel. +39 0554796422, fax: +39 055471787

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