[pstricks] Re: Problem with dia output

Richard Jelinek rj at petamem.com
Sun May 30 13:47:12 CEST 2004

Sorry... I have to correct something:

On Sun, May 30, 2004 at 01:42:31PM +0200, Richard Jelinek wrote:
> It seems to be an offest problem, as the texts would fit nicely into
> the diagram, but have about -8cm offest on the y-axis.

The text has the correct x alignment, but is about -8cm off the
bars/lines, AND is "mirrored" i.e. what was

| Text 1 |

| Text 2 |


  Text 2

  Text 1

|        |

|        |

(I've marked the second box to indicate, that they aren't mirrored.)

best regards,

     Dipl.-Inf. Richard Jelinek

     - The PetaMem Group - Prague/Nuremberg - www.petamem.com -
		       -= 3394928 Mind Units =-

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